A growing support hub for caregivers & graying adults.
Caring for yourself is work enough. Add in a parent, spouse or someone else with complex needs and things can get heavy fast. Wilma is here to lighten your load by connecting you to tools and resources.
Resource Locators
Eldercare Programs
Health Advocacy
Caregiver Support
Support for Veterans
Solo & Positive Aging
U.S. Administration on Aging
The Eldercare Locator is a service of the U.S. Administration on Aging that links to resources for older adults and their families. Visit online or call 800-677-1116.
Benefits Checkup
BenefitsCheckup.org “connects millions of older adults and people with disabilities with benefits programs that can help pay for health care, medicine, food, utilities, and more.”
Community Resource Finder
Search by city, state or zip code for resources, community programs and services.
Family Caregiver Alliance
The FCA mission is to improve quality of life for caregivers and the people who receive their care. Visit Caregiver.org to learn more and / or search services by state.
Caregiver Toolbox
Caregiver Action Network works to support Americans who care for those with chronic conditions, disabilities, disease or the frailties of old age. Access their caregiver toolbox here.
The Carefullist
Carefully-vetted caregiving resources and tips, as well as personal takes on grief.
No Wrong Door
No Wrong Door systems are built to provide coordinated support for individuals needing long-term care to access services in the community.
Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
PACE offers services to help older adults to live in their communities. Visit National PACE or check for a program in your area. PACE serves both Medicaid-eligible and ineligible adults 55+. Without Medicaid, the program costs several thousands of dollars per month out-of-pocket, so it may be inaccessible for those not wanting or able to do a Medicaid spend-down.
Umbra has a national network of qualified advocates to help with urgent or ongoing healthcare situations for those who are scared, frustrated, at the end of their rope or unsure where to start.
Solace has a national network of advocates who can help regardless of your location.
Book & Blogs
“Your Caregiver Relationship Contract: How to navigate the minefield of new roles and expectations.” by Debra Hallisay
Appreciating Behavioral Communication in Dementia (ABC Dementia) Blog, Video Series and Consultations by dementia and eldercare professional Laura Herman.
AARP empowers people to choose how they live as they age. Visit their Family Caregiving page for caregiver resources or call their Resource Line at 877-333-5885.
Aidaly works to help family caregivers to provide quality care. View their state-by-state guide to getting paid as a family caregiver.
Family Caregiver Alliance
The FCA mission is to improve quality of life for caregivers and the people who receive their care. Visit Caregiver.org to learn more and / or search services by state.
Caregiver Toolbox
Caregiver Action Network works to support Americans who care for those with chronic conditions, disabilities, disease or the frailties of old age. Access their caregiver toolbox here.
Military & Caregiver Support
The Rosalynn Carter Institute and Elizabeth Dole Foundation support military caregivers through a number of programs, including free coaching and respite (time off) relief.
The Dept. of Veteran’s Affairs provides time off support for caregivers. Call 800-698-2411 for information. Have the name, DOB and social of the veteran you care for handy. Click here to learn more about support from VA.
Currently for residents of Ohio and certain counties in Indiana, United Church Homes created NaviGuides to provide caregivers personalized, flat-fee guidance for getting help they need for seniors in their lives from qualified and trustworthy local providers. Learn more here.
The Carefullist
Carefull-vetted caregiving resources and tips, as well as personal takes on grief.
The Well Spouse Association
Well Spouse Association supports and advocates for the people who care for a chronically ill or disabled husband, wife or partner. Check for a support group in your area.
Services and Supplies
Visit the Dept. of Veterans Affair’s Caregiver Support Program page and / or call 800-698-2411 to ask about caregiving supplies and in-home and other long-term care services.
Financial Support
The VA Aid & Attendance Benefit is a monthly payment available for qualifying veterans who require help with daily activities or are housebound. Click here to learn about finding free help to apply. If you / your caree are moving into a senior community, they may also be able to help.
Military & Veteran Caregiver Support
The Rosalynn Carter Institute and Elizabeth Dole Foundation support military caregivers through a number of programs, including free coaching and respite (time off) relief.
Positive Aging Community
This community offers live and interactive discussions and makes finding housing, aging in place solutions and resources more convenient by connecting people to comprehensive and trusted resources.
Navigating Solo Network
A network and resource clearinghouse for solo agers, defined as adults 55+ who, by choice or circumstance, are without the reliable support of adult children or close family members.
Solo Aging & Retirement Planning
Dr. Sara Zeff Geber is America’s authority on solo aging and author of “Essential Retirement Planning for Solo Agers,” hailed by the Wall Street Journal as a “2018 best book on aging well.”
Going With Grace
“Going with Grace exists to support people as they answer the question “What must I do to be at peace with myself so that I may live presently and die gracefully?” and to support family members in completing the affairs of their loved one’s life after a death.”
Cake has thousands of articles and tools to help people learn about and prepare for end-of-life. Cake can help you make a will for a low fee.