There’s a senator who would make me lose it. I threw a magazine across a room once to get his face on the cover out of my sight. Another time, hostile tears filled my eyes when I saw him on TV. Mercifully, I began to break free of this torment when the words of Booker…Continue reading A pre-Inaugration Day message
Why what wealthier folks are paying to age well matters to middle income earners
My dad, in his 70s at the time, saw a poster on the University of Dayton campus when he was an adjunct professor there. It read, “FREE PIZZA FOR SENIORS!” Dad was feeling like he could go for a slice, but it didn’t click until he showed up for one that “seniors” meant people in…Continue reading Why what wealthier folks are paying to age well matters to middle income earners
Following our own damned data
PART 1: To repeat from my recent post: “Certainty—or we can call it confidence—doesn’t come from thinking but doing. Instead of doing nothing because we’re unsure our village-growing ideas will work or help, let’s be citizen scientists and collect our own damned data!” OK, but who’s a citizen scientist and what’s data? Data is information…Continue reading Following our own damned data
A 3-part personal story: Inheriting the Earth
Part 1: Receiving A RevelationPart 2: Unlocking True Power At first, I thought that true power—being aligned with my soul—would feel transcendent. Later, I learned that it feels more like satisfaction. That rang true when I heard it, based on the decades I’d lived in dissatisfaction and for other reasons I won’t describe here. And…Continue reading A 3-part personal story: Inheriting the Earth
A 3-part personal story: Unlocking True Power
Part 1: Receiving A Revelation When discussing my revelation with two dear friends, we talked about true power and the fact that we don’t know how our contributions fit or will fit into the big scheme of things. True power comes from aligning our personality with our soul. I learned this from spiritual teacher Gary…Continue reading A 3-part personal story: Unlocking True Power
A 3-part personal story: Receiving A Revelation
Last week, I started crying in despair shortly after waking up. Thankfully, I had the presence of mind to call on a lesson I learned back when I was studying kabbalah, or Jewish mysticism: Discomfort is light—new awareness—trying to be revealed. “What is this feeling trying to help me see?” I pleaded out loud. I…Continue reading A 3-part personal story: Receiving A Revelation
The Prosperity Principle
I learned about the precautionary principle when I worked at Greenpeace. It says… The lack of evidence of harm isn’t evidence of lack of harm. In other words, just because there isn’t evidence showing that a certain chemical, let’s say, doesn’t do damage, it doesn’t mean that it’s safe. And this principle is used as…Continue reading The Prosperity Principle
Recognizing quiet (but important) contributions
PART 1: Eric Frimpong left his wife and crying kids in Ghana to look for work in the States to give them a better life. Eight years passed without him seeing his family, and the last hurdle Eric needed to clear to be reunited with them was significant: gaining U.S. citizenship. Working as a maintenance…Continue reading Recognizing quiet (but important) contributions
What miracles could we make if we forgot?
PART 1: Two years back, I got a daily video lesson for “A Course in Miracles” by email from Marianne Williamson. When discussing a certain lesson—“Let me forget my brother’s past today.”—Marianne put a slight twist on it: “You are born again any time you don’t bring your past with you.” And if there were…Continue reading What miracles could we make if we forgot?
Starting villages with what’s strong, not wrong
If you get Tiny Village Mail, you may have seen my recent tip to GIVE a request for help. I made the point that… It’s generous (if not wise) to think of everyone as having something to give and making opportunities for them to do so, especially when it comes to folks at risk of…Continue reading Starting villages with what’s strong, not wrong