A 3-part personal story: Inheriting the Earth

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Part 1: Receiving A Revelation
Part 2: Unlocking True Power

At first, I thought that true power—being aligned with my soul—would feel transcendent.

Later, I learned that it feels more like satisfaction. That rang true when I heard it, based on the decades I’d lived in dissatisfaction and for other reasons I won’t describe here.

And now, I’m feeling stronger as I become more satisfied with living in limbo.

I’m not alone in an in-between place: humanity is in limbo. The pre-pandemic world is behind us, but it remains to be seen where the world’s current craziness will lead.

Events around us reflect what’s happening inside us.

As within, so without.

The world isn’t at peace because too many people’s minds are filled with images and ideas that trigger disturbed emotions, which infect susceptible people, go viral and spread unrest.

I’ve been saying that for years, all the while adding to the melee by resisting my own life.

Jesus said that the meek shall inherit the earth.

Metaphysically, meek doesn’t mean submissive but something like “untriggerable”:

The meek respond to negative stimulus with love—the most harmonizing power of all.

My choice is to be meek and inherit the earth.

But what does responding to negative stimulus with love mean to me practically?

What it doesn’t mean is going around hugging and kissing everyone or entering dangerous situations to “be the light.” It means acknowledging and being willing to see everyone’s inherent divinity, even if it’s barely detectable in the moment.

It also means pausing to take a breath when things get tense to avert adding fuel to the fire.

But it doesn’t mean repressing my anger to fester and cause dis-ease in my body.

The thinking skills—head smarts—I used as a scientist and analyst are different than the main ones I’ll use as a world inheritor.

Those are feeling skills—heart smarts—that will help me quickly discern and correct when I’m seeping true power and thwarting my capacity to deliberately create.

On one level, that means creating the ways and means to help neighbors make villages!

On a loftier level, it means joining with other emerging world inheritors—might that include you?—to make heaven on earth.

The plot twist is that heaven is inside of humanity.

Heaven is a state of consciousness—it’s an awareness of our ONENESS.

But with the awareness that “I am you, you are me, and we are we” as I’ve heard someone say, we become kinder and that gets reflected in the world in the way that turbulence is now.

As within, so without.

Even if we don’t believe or understand the concept of oneness, we can decide to act that way if we like the sound of it. I do. If you do too, you can start practicing it by showing next-level kindness to yourself, other people or even animals you already have some affinity for.

Jesus said that unless we change and become like children, we won’t enter the kingdom of heaven—a state of awareness available to us today.

We might think that kids have the vitality and joy they do because they’re young.

It certainly helps not to have creaky joints, but I think the reason is something else:

Kids are more in touch with their divinity.

It occurred to me that when I was around ten, I experienced a surge in feeling my boundless creative potential. My divinity, in other words. But “divinity” and “creative potential” weren’t words I knew, so I wrapped up the feeling in “do something great.”

As I pursued greatness, I became less of a peaceful person who can enter heaven:

I lived in my head.
I gained a sense of worthiness from my accomplishments.
I became unsettled when people seemed not to think well of me.
I was fixated on the future.
I was restless, dissatisfied and wanted my life to be other than it was.

To my credit, I was childlike to the extent that I wasn’t encumbered by a long history of disempowering narratives about my gender or race.

And though I resisted my life, I was quite playful well into my 30s, and reveled in my early 40s wearing quirky outfits befitting a four-year-old to my reserved federal workplace.

Y’all, I’m feeling that playful part of me waking up again so watch out!

Play is serious business:

It’s good for our health and well-being and puts us in a state in which we can access guidance—in the form of curiosity, vision, inspiration, inner knowing, excitement and other good-feeling pointers—that leads us toward heaven!

My human self has considered that I might seem ill-informed or like I’m doing damage by asking you to join me in playing in these crazy times, but my divine self knows that seeming out of touch with reality is the price people pay for the privilege of creating a better one.


Discomfort is light—new awareness—trying to be revealed.

And heaven on earth starts with an awareness of our oneness.

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Published by

Dr. Mary-Elizabeth Harmon

Dr. Mary-Elizabeth Harmon is a scientist turned storyteller, caregiver and founder of Village Company 360, which seeks to inspire wonderful places to grow up and grow old by fostering care communities and care economies for & by neighbors.