A 3-part personal story: Unlocking True Power

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Part 1: Receiving A Revelation

When discussing my revelation with two dear friends, we talked about true power and the fact that we don’t know how our contributions fit or will fit into the big scheme of things.

True power comes from aligning our personality with our soul.

I learned this from spiritual teacher Gary Zukav and ran with it.

Said differently, we unlock true power by aligning our thoughts, words, deeds and emotions with love / infinite potential. Or by closing the gap between our human self and divine self.

While my older and wiser self was more concerned with heeding my soul’s nudges than appearing on TIME, greatness-crazed Mary-Elizabeth was lurking in my subconscious, driving me to do all these things bigger, better and faster to get some damned admiration!

But my revelation exposed her, and we made peace and parted ways.

And that fear of dying with my music inside me appears to have vanished.

Bach got his literal music out, but it went unnoticed while he was alive.

Van Gogh’s story is similar. That helps me to trust that efforts I make from a place of true power will have an impact, but perhaps not when or how my human self hopes.

For all I know, this message might be among the most important music I make.

Believe me, walking away from a socially acceptable life as a biologist then analyst to write mystical tales about my “human self” and “divine self” wasn’t my plan, particularly not as part of growing what I imagined would be a perfectly earthly village business.

But I can’t ignore the strong pull I feel to do it.

And I won’t live the next leg of my life with a new brand of angst by repressing it.

From a divine perspective, it’s possible that telling stories just like this is the best thing I can do to help villages spread. Stories that my human self feels reluctant to share, but that have the potential to get people into the mindset—or heart set—of caring for their neighbors.

Part 3: Inheriting the Earth

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Published by

Dr. Mary-Elizabeth Harmon

Dr. Mary-Elizabeth Harmon is a scientist turned storyteller, caregiver and founder of Village Company 360, which seeks to inspire wonderful places to grow up and grow old by fostering care communities and care economies for & by neighbors.