This we know for sure:

Just as oranges don’t grow from apple seeds, prosperity doesn’t grow from doom and gloom.

On a basic level:

Our beliefs aren’t always the truth but stories we tell so much they stick, for better or worse. Our beliefs drive our behaviors, which reap bitter or sweet outcomes. Our outcomes reinforce our stories and the wheel of our fortunes keeps turning into good- or bad-feeling territory.

We have two aspects: body and soul. Though the eye can trick us into thinking that we’re simply physical beings, the truth is that we’re spiritual ones: our nonphysical souls go on without end and are the truest and wisest part of ourselves. In other words, …

All human experience is spiritual.

Rather than using conventional wisdom to address spiritual matters in earthly garb—broken care, for example—we believe in using spiritual wisdom to respond to spiritual matters.

Here are the main beliefs that guide what we do:

We are interconnected and interdependent, which the pandemic showed us in a dramatic way. Given that we’re all one, by loving our neighbors, we’re in fact loving ourselves. On the flip side, by damning our neighbors, we’re in fact damning ourselves.

Our inner world—our way of thinking, fueled by the way we feel—creates our outer reality, not the other way around. To make prosperity, we must shift from retelling how bad things are to imagining how we want them to be to start bringing our preferences to life.

We can decide to tell new stories and behave differently, even as we form new beliefs.

Despite our best intentions, we feed what we fight. We shall overcome—and come alive—by using things that we can’t accept not as cause to fight but to create: to clarify what we truly want and make it flourish with our attention and imagination, which is our creative power.

Regardless of who you think Jesus was, there’s no question that his teachings have endured. And he taught that unless we become like children, we won’t enter the kingdom of heaven.

Heaven isn’t a place but a state of mind. It’s an awareness of our oneness. The pinnacle of prosperity. Heaven will elude us unless we release thinking that robs our inner peace—As within, so without—and become more…

  • Imaginative
  • Playful
  • Preoccupied with our heart’s desires
  • Open to possibilities
  • Unencumbered by history

Just like kids, who are also more invested in feeling good than being right.

Becoming enlightened means identifying with our souls more than our personalities. Or, it means following the promptings of our infinite and most loving and childlike aspect over or our habitual (and often fearful) thoughts and emotions.

The better we feel, the better we can access great ideas, curiosity, flashes of inspiration, vision, intuition / inner knowing that lead us in a direction we desire.

Instead of pushing harder, we believe in feeling better—like through resting, playing, deliberate daydreaming, communing with nature—to access true intelligence.

Any of this working for you?

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